Floating in a Most Peculiar WayWhen You're in LoveReef DivingTutti Frutti ITutti Frutti IICelestial TideBig Rock Candy MountainBoreauraReel-to-ReelLuxeThe Persian GardenThe Other Side of MidnightPromenadeFluxLateral VortexCotton Candy ICotton Candy IIRing TossGarden of Earthly DelightsAspirareLife on a ChainPurple PlungeThe Whirl of String TheoryCitrineKiss Me!Moulin RougeSlipping into WonderPenserPomegranateLushSupplicity
Organic Abstractions
In these non-representational monotypes (one-of-a-kind prints) I employ simple organic-shaped stencils, transparent oil-based inks, and textures made from repetitive marks on a variety of surfaces to address growth, creativity, and transformation from a personal, process-oriented perspective.

The compositions are achieved by applying ink on a plexiglass plate -spontaneously at first, and later, in a more responsive manner- and then running the plate through a printing press to transfer that particular layer of ink to a new or an already in-process print. Over time, layer upon layer, a piece emerges that I work further until it is complete.